Mike Tyson To Him Is Better Death Than To Live

Former world heavyweight boxing champion, Mike Tyson said he is eagerly awaiting his death because "survival can be harder than death." 

The 53-year-old Tyson said in an interview with The Sportsman's UK website that he believes his fearlessness would make him ready for death on the wall even though he believed he would be the one to kill if there was a death in one of his fights. 

“I knew I was likely to die during training or during a fight, but I was not afraid because I believed that if someone died, it was I who would kill. That confidence was a means of self-help. 

"But now, from experience and from my beliefs, the more I know about being absent from the world, the more willing I am to die." 
When asked if he was really looking forward to his death, the knockout host said: “Yes, I'm not scared. Living can be harder than dying. That's what I believe. 
I don't know if that's true. Because to survive requires courage. Without confidence, you can't afford to live. 
“Life is a journey, life is a struggle. People have everything, but life is still hard for them,” 
 Said Tyson.

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